Deliveries for the above orders are due completed by Q3-2020. In Europe, another order came in for a NOx reduction system at a biomass-fired industrial unit which will utilize Fuel Tech’s SCR technology and an aqueous ammonia feed system. Equipment deliveries are scheduled for Q4-2020.
In the United States, FuelTech was contracted to retrofit a primarily coal-fired power plant with FUEL CHEM TIFI Targeted In-Furnace Injection technology. The equipment will be installed at three coal-fired units and will help the operator to burn lower-quality fuels more cleanly and efficiently. Delivery and in-service date of the equipment is in Q3-2020.
“These units are not base-loaded units,” the operator pointed out, explaining the revenue potential of the Targeted In-Furnace Injection (TIFI) program chemical sales will largely come from balancing variable power demand and flexible unit dispatch.
Fuel Tech’s nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction and particulate control solution have been in installed on over 1,200 utility, industrial and municipal units worldwide. The company’s FUEL CHEM technology improves the fuel flexibility, boiler heat rate, and environmental status of combustion units by controlling slagging, fouling, corrosion and opacity.
Vincent J. Arnone, President and CEO said Fuel Tech’s broad portfolio of emissions control solutions would help customers “address their emissions control requirements regardless of fuel source.”