Italy's industry ministry is finalising a decree on incentives to the biomethane sector, which might be approved as early as this summer.
In detail, the decree is targeting 1,1 billion cubic meters per year of biomethane production by 2020, accounting for 10% of fuels consumption in the country.
However, estimates of biomethane production potential in Italy are higher, up 8 Bcm/year in the coming decades.
In the light of that, the ministry “is willing to review the cap should there be a more consistent development” in the sector, according to Giovanni Perrella of the industry ministry.
Perrella was speaking at the annual Biogas Italy conference, according to a statement of Consorzio Italiano Biogas (CIB), which represents the biogas industry in Italy.
Investments in biogas production chain have reached Eur4 billion in recent years in Italy, with players now looking to further develop the sector thanks to the new incentive regime, said Piero Gattoni, president of CIB.
“We hope the legislative process will close soon” in order to bring clarity for investments in the sector to take off, he said, adding biomethane might cover up to 15% of national demand for natural gas.