Power generation and transmission infrastructure upgrades are the key points of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Cuban’s state-owned utility Unión Eléctrica (UNE) and Siemens. Company heads discussed new energy projects when signing the deal in Havana, including supply of generating technology for plant upgrades and new-builds.
Siemens and UNE, or any of its affiliates, will jointly develop projects and services within the power generation, transmission and distribution, renewable energy and automation sectors.
Both companies have already jointly evaluated Cuba’s current energy system and developed a country energy concept, including recommendations for plant optimizations, new-builds and the country’s future energy mix.
Cuba’s Ministry of Energy and Mines seeks to modernise the electricity system to provide a reliable, cost-efficient energy. It specifically eyes renewables as a vital source of decentralised power supply for some of the more than 11 million Cuban people.
The MoU forges closer ties between the German and the Cuban states in energy related matters, while establishing “closer and better technical cooperation,” Siemens said. Both parties also agreed to foster knowledge transfer initiatives and technical training – Siemens already started to train some UNE personal in Cuba and will facilitate future trainings in Germany and Mexico.
Willi Meixner, CEO of Siemens’ Power and Gas division said the accord would consolidate the German OEM’s partnership with Cuba. “We will assist and support Cuba and their people on the development of a sustainable and modern electricity system to ensure the country's economic and social development", he said.
Mr Meixner and Livan Arronte Cruz, General Director of UNE signed the MoU in Havana in the presence of the Cuban energy minister and the German ambassador.
Siemens AG over the past years has been supporting Cuba's development of its national healthcare system, providing the island with advanced solutions in the fields of angiography, magnetic resonance and other imaging areas.