Rising share of renewables energy can lead to congestion and complexity within the grid. Smart grids, along with fast-ramp gas gensets and energy storage, alleviate these issues and facilitate easier grid balancing.
Monitoring load changes through smart grid also help reduce transmission and distribution losses across the electricity supply chain. Demand respond technology and smart metering are expected to be widely implemented across ASEAN, as the bloc of states embraces digitalization.
Consumer energy management, known as ‚smart home controller‘, can help households monitor and regulate their energy demand. Ultimately, this helps end-customers lower their gas and electricity bills and can be used by distributors as a steering instrument to flatten demand peaks.
The speed and scope of smart grid rollouts vary significantly across the different ASEAN countries. Singapore and Malaysia are frontrunners, owing to constant product innovation, expansion of automated technologies in small-scale holdings and favorable government support for renewable energy and related technologies.