Enel buys battery energy storage project in the UK
Italy’s state-owned utility Enel has bought the Tynemouth stand-alone battery storage project in the North East of England from Element Power for approximately 20 million euros. The construction-ready...
View ArticleSiemens to service two gas power plants in Argentina
Pampa Energia, Argentina’s largest fully integrated electricity company, has contracted Siemens to service and upgrade the Central Termoeléctrica Nehuenco-I plant with the latter’s SPPA-T3000 power...
View ArticleGazprom advances plans to export gas from Russia’s Far East to China
Projected Russian gas deliveries to China via the eastern route are “right on schedule”, Gazprom chairman Alexey Miller and his counterpart at CNPC Wang Yilin said after a working meeting in Beijing...
View ArticleBlades with molybdenum silicides withstand higher temperatures
Tantalum, added composite molybdenum silicides helps boost material resilience of turbine blades, as tested by scientists at Kyoto University. Advanced compositions of molybdenum silicides improve the...
View ArticlePanda Power Fund’s new CCPP in Virgina starts operating
The 778 MW Stonewall Power Project, Panda Power Funds’ newest combined-cycle gas power plant in Leesburg, Virginia has started full commercial operation. ‘Stonewall’ is one of seven CCPPs, next to...
View ArticleUKPR wins British Venture Capital Award
UK Power Reserve (UKPR) has been named ‘Mid-Market Team of the Year in the Midlands’ in the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association Management Team Awards 2017. Backed by Equistone and...
View ArticleCalifornia turns to renewables amid concerns over gas shortfall in summer 2017
For most days in 2017, the share of electricity generated from natural gas has been near or below previous five-year (2012–16) minimums in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) region....
View ArticleSaudi Arabia: GE, Jomel set record for outage cycletime at Marafiq IWPP
Marafiq, the world biggest integrated water and power plant (IWPP) with 2,745 MWe and 800,000 cbm/d desalinated water output, GE Energy and Jomel have carried out the shortest planned outage cycletime...
View ArticleWorld energy usage seen surge 50% by 2050, led by growth in Asia
Strong economic growth in Asia and other non-OECD countries is forecast to push up the world’s energy consumption by nearly… Industry –notably refining, mining, manufacturing, agriculture, and...
View ArticleSmart grids to manage two thirds of global power networks by 2050
Grid balancing becomes paramount as the share of intermittent supply from renewable power sources keeps rising fast in most developed… A staggering 1,291GW of new battery capacity are forecast to be...
View ArticleChina’s pipeline reform creates $100bn state TSO, could push up prices
Keen to maximize China’s domestic oil and gas production and streamline imports, the government in Beijing’s is taking steps to… Using the price-to-book methodology, Wood Mackenzie reckons China’s new...
View ArticleMAN carries out pilot phase of PrimeServ EyeTech application
MAN Energy Solutions is conducting a test phase with over 20 field applications for its newly developed assisted-reality application, PrimeServ… Powered by MAN CEON, PrimeServ EyeTech is the company’s...
View ArticleRising energy demand likely to make Germany miss renewables targets
Germany's expansion of renewable energy sources will be unable to keep up with future demand growth, leading the country to… Extrapolating on the government's climate package, EWI experts estimate that...
View ArticleGerman utility Uniper prepares to import Australian LNG by 2023
Germany’s largest utility Uniper strives to fast-track permitting and construction of a floating storage and regas unit (FSRU) in Brunsbüttel… The offtake accord is, however, conditional on Woodside...
View ArticleEuropean OCT gas trading volumes through London soar 22%
Traded volumes of natural gas in European brokered markets have soared nearly 22% to reach 30,496 TWh in the period… TFF gas trading volumes amounted to 24,321 TWh – significantly than the 1,757 TWh...
View ArticleEnergy prices seen rise faster than other commodity prices
The energy portion of the S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI) has risen faster than other commodities over the course… All other energy commodities increased in price over the past year,...
View ArticleLaunch of TurkStream allows Gazprom transit-free gas supply to Turkey
Gazprom has just launched TurkStream, a two-string gas pipeline through the Black Sea to Turkey with a combined throughput capacity… Pipe-laying for TurkStream took 15 months and was completed ahead of...
View ArticleTotal to supply LNG for Beluluane gas power plant in Mozambique
French oil and gas major Total has signed an agreement with Gigajoules Group of South Africa to import and deliver… Total will source and supply the LNG cargoes from its global gas portfolio, and...
View ArticleIndia’s top utilities seek extension to curb power plant emissions
Adani Power and NTPC, two of India’s largest power producers, have pleaded to the government in Delhi to extend the… The latest push for a deadline extension, if granted, would push back India’s...
View ArticleHenry Hub spot gas prices fall to 3-year low despite rise in LNG exports
Spot gas prices at the U.S. benchmark Henry Hub in Louisiana have fallen to their lowest level in the past… Spot prices at the national benchmark Henry Hub in Louisiana averaged $2.57 per million...
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