Measuring optical fingerprints of C1-C5 alkanes
Varying gas composition impacts performance and component lifetime of internal combustion engines, gas turbines and fuel cell-based machines. By measuring the optical fingerprints of C1-C5 alkanes, the...
View ArticleKentucky Power completes conversion of Big Sandy Power Plant
Unit 1 of the Big Sandy Power Plant has started to supply up to 268 MW of gas-generated electricity to PJM Interconnection. Operator Kentucky Power, part of the investor-owned electric utility AEP, had...
View ArticleSiemens Flexramp offers new gas plant flexibility
New technology and advanced software controls are changing the ability for gas plants to respond flexibly to demand and harness waste heat driving renewed profitability for operators. “As plant...
View ArticleWärtsilä supplies Flexicycle power plant to Saudi Arabia
Saudi-based Yamama Cement Company has contracted Wärtsilä to supply a 161 MW combined-cycle power plant to in Saudi Arabia. Wärtsilä will deliver a full EPC project for the so-called Flexicycle plant...
View ArticleEDF Luminus to shut down four CCGTs in Belgium
Citing an “extremely unfavourable economic context”, EDF Luminus has announced the permanent closure of four of its gas power plants in Belgium. Run-time hours of these plants had decreased to a point...
View Article‘36 lessons-learned’ from Britain’s CCS programmes
Following the abrupt withdrawal of £1 billion CCS funding by the UK treasury, Whitehall now has to set out its ‘Carbon Plan’ to explain how it will meet targets set in the Paris Agreement without...
View ArticleRepeat gas turbine order for MAN in China
Starting from 2017, two MAN turbines, designed for cogeneration, will deliver up to 17 MW of power and 35 MW of heat to an industrial park in China. Changsha ENN Heating Power placed an order for an...
View ArticleUEA taps solar potential as alternative to fossil plants
Persian Gulf states, notably the UEA, are taking advantage of falling prices for solar PV installations, advancing green energy as an alternative to fuel oil- and gas-fired power plants. In contrast to...
View ArticleFour of UKPR’s embedded gas gensets due to start up in August
Gas-fired Cummins gensets, delivered to UK Power Reserve’s (UKPR) project in Carrington some three weeks ago, are being fine-tuned on site with a view to starting up the 20 MW facility before the end...
View ArticleCalifornia at the brink of further electricity shortages
Summer blackouts may occur, customers in southern California are being told, as the grid operator puts power rationing measures in place. The state just decided to shut down its last nuclear power...
View ArticleCombining gas gensets with solar PV
Hybrid solar & gas generator sets, manufactured by Himoinsa, are said to allow operators reduce their fossil fuel costs while making use of solar energy. Particularly in areas with high levels of...
View ArticleSecco orders three dual-fuel power plants for Santa Fe
Argentinian rental power supplier Secco has contracted Wärtsilä to deliver three power plants to Santa Fe province. Additionally, the Finnish OEM will carry out two further projects for Argentinian...
View ArticleEgypt rations gas supply to industry to meet power demand
Over the summer months, EGAS is often forced to turn gas supplies away from industry to cover surging demand from electric power generators. A tender for a third FRSU was launched on Tuesday –...
View ArticleUnmanned power plant proposed for Carlisle
GF Energy, headquartered in Athens, has put forward plans to build an unmanned gas-fired power station at the former ESK Brickworks site in Brisco on the edge of Carlisle, Cumbria. If approved, the 20...
View ArticleRecip gas engines seen as ‘complementary’ to renewables
As Europe pursues a green energy strategy, reciprocating engine technology is seen as a complementary solution due fast ramp rates and modular deployment, Andreas Lippert, engineering leader...
View ArticleAnalysis: Nigeria’s power crisis worsens
Daily electricity generation in Nigeria has reached another low point, plummeting to just over 2,520 MW on Friday – a far cry from estimated peak demand of 17,720 MW. Yet in the face of a domestic gas...
View ArticleMicrogrid for distributed power shields Connecticut
An $18 million program to install a state-wide micro grid, powered by distributed gas-fired turbines, is underway in the US costal state of Connecticut. Deployment is fast-tracked in response to...
View ArticleGhana Gas, VRA fight over gas debt; derail Atuabo loan
Unless Volta River Authority (VRA) will repay its debt of allegedly over $350 million for gas supply to power producers, Ghana Gas sees itself unable to service a $1 billion loan, made available by the...
View ArticleNational Grid anticipates new ‘Dash for Gas’ by early 2020
Britain's grid operator expects a new ‘Dash for Gas’: Publishing its Future Energy Scenarios (FES) report today, National Grid stresed that up to 7 GW of new CCGT capacity is needed to ensure supply...
View ArticleCabot strikes 10-years gas supply deal for Invenergy CCGT
Houston-based Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation has been selected as the exclusive provider of natural gas to Invenergy’s Lackawanna Energy Center, a 1,500 MW CCGT that is set to fire up in mid-2018 to...
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