European power supply “remains secure” amid coronavirus response
Far-reaching measures taken in Germany and across Europe to contain the outbreak of the coronavirus do not compromise the security… Power producers, water utilities and distribution grid operators...
View ArticleNew England boosts gas deliverability with infrastructure upgrades
Four pipelines – currently in planning or under construction – will significantly step up gas deliverability into New England, in the northeastern… Pipeline capacity into New England from both Canada...
View ArticleGerman energy demand falters as economy heads for deep slump
Economists see the corona-struck German economy shrink between 4.5% and 9% this year, pushing down energy demand and fuel use… Deutsche Bank analysts pointed out that unlike in 2009, when the recession...
View ArticleChina returns to work but rebound in LNG imports remains patchy
Manufacturing is resuming in China but the recovery from the coronavirus lockdown still needs to translate in a substantial rise… Citigroup pegs the amount of gas demand lost in China due to Covid-19...
View ArticleU.S. utilities suspend power cuts to non-paying customers
More and more investor-owned utility companies in the United States have conceded to suspend disconnections of customers who do not… Accommodating measures, including suspensions of power cuts, are...
View ArticleIndia’s LNG imports seen surge 15% as utilities snap up cheap cargoes
India keeps snapping up distressed cargoes for cheap. Coal-to-gas switching allows Indian power generators to absorb a large share of… Ship-tracking data from Refinitiv Eikon shows that India imported...
View ArticleCash flow losses could trigger bankruptcies among U.S. fracking firms
North American shale-focused oil and gas producers are found to have spent $189 billion more on drilling and other capital… The Saudi-Russia oil price war and the coronavirus-induced slump in demand...
View ArticleInvestors turn to utilities stocks as recession looms large
Though short-term profits of power and water utilities are hit by the lockdowns of energy-intensive industries to contain the coronavirus… The utilities sector is the only one of the Stoxx Europe 600...
View ArticleHawaii’s battery systems get paired with wind & solar power units
Nearly all of Hawaii’s utility-scale energy storage is installed adjacent to onshore wind turbines or solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Pairing… Such hybrid power systems help reduce operational costs...
View ArticleLockdowns fast-forward power systems 10 years into the future; IEA
Industry lockdowns, caused by the coronavirus, have slashed electricity demand in most countries by around 15%. In Spain and California,… The Spanish economy is underpinned by some of highest shares of...
View ArticleOsaka Gas strives to start up Kyushu LNG-to-Power project in 2022
The Japanese utility Osaka Gas, part of Daigas Group, is fast-tracking development of the Himuka LNG import terminal and integrated… The concept of developing a small-scale LNG import terminal and...
View ArticleChina to build 9 GW generating capacity in sub-Saharan Africa by 2024
Chinese-added power generation capacities in sub-Saharan Africa will total 9 GW over the decade through to 2024, according to International… Without these two hydro-power megaprojects, the 19 projects...
View ArticleYokogawa provides control system for gas peaker in Turkmenistan
Tokyo-based Yokogawa Electric will provide a control system and field instruments for the Zerger open-cycle gas power plant in Turkmenistan.… Turkmenistan, home to the world’s fourth-largest natural...
View ArticleGE strives to add 3 GW power gen capacity in Iraq before summer
General Electric is working towards adding 3 Gigawatt of power generation capacity to the grid in Iraq before peak summer… By summer, some new installations that will come online and some of the units...
View ArticleCPV’s Fairview Energy Center is now using ethane in combustion mix
Competitive Power Ventures’ (CPV) new gas-fired Fairview Energy Center has been adapted to use ethane in its combustion mix. Using… Built at a cost of $1 billion near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the 1,050...
View ArticleMHPS combines solid oxide fuel cell and micro gas turbine
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power System (MHPS) has been striving to combine is solid oxide fuel cell, called MEGAMIE, with a micro… Each MEGAMIE unit uses a cell stack – a cylindrical substrate tube designed...
View ArticleEranove takes FID and fast-tracks 390MW Atinkou CCGT in Ivory Coast
French industrial company Eranove is fast-tracking the development of the 390 MW Atinkou combined-cycle power plant in Ivory Coast, having… The Atinkou project is being built under a Public-Private...
View ArticleCorona crisis hits German carmakers during transition to e-vehicles
Halts in production and collapsing sales have hit Germany’s carmakers at a crucial time of transitioning to electric vehicles. Sales… Bail-outs of distressed carmakers and component suppliers could...
View ArticleBattery supply chains get back to speed in China and South Korea
Shutdowns are lifted in China and South Korea, allowing battery supply chains to ramp back up while rivals in Europe… However, shutdowns in Asia are not over, as the Philippines, Malaysia, India and...
View ArticleUK gas and power prices in freefall, following oil price crash
Rapidly falling oil prices since March 18, when Saudi Arabia started to flood the market, have pulled down seasonal gas… Back in January, Brent crude oil peaked at $69.75 per barrel, but demand...
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