This summer, however, the Covid-19 pandemic is seen drive a global contraction in LNG deliveries compared to the previous year. Wood Mackenzie’s Robert Sims said: “This will be the first seasonal contraction in eight years.”
US LNG terminals ‘underutilized’
The pricing dynamics this year are expected to be similar in summer and winter season, with US LNG acting as the price-setter for the cross-basin spread. Prices differentials between the U.S. bellwether Henry Hub and the Japan-Korea-Market (JKM) will determine how much hub-indexed US LNG will be shipped to Asia, in competition with largely oil-indexed supply from Qatar and Australia.
“In general, a return to stronger growth is not expected until mid-2021,” Sims pointed out.
The fact that more than 20 US LNG cargoes had been ‘cancelled’ by contract and tolling off-takers for June loadings is “significant for the market,” he said, suggesting; “This could lead to feedgas going as low as 5 British cubic feet per day.”
“We expect under-utilisation of US terminals to continue for several summer months as margins remain negative for many companies [and] some degree of under-utilisation will now also happen through summer 2021.
Low prices lead to a downward revision in LNG supply which is currently seen across all basins and regions. Only if there will be a “robust rebound in LNG demand from Japan, Korea or India,” then a price correction could begin earlier than previously anticipated, Sims said, which would help “reduce the risk of further US supply reductions next year.”
Chinese industry returns to growth
Fresh out of winter heating season, China is shifting focus to industrial demand recovery. Although none of the force majeure notices were formally confirmed on LNG contracts, China reduced pipeline import growth in Q1-2020 to just 1% year-on-year.
Imports from China’s largest supplier, Turkmenistan, plunged by 2%. Coupled with a low spot price environment, the temporary waiver of US LNG import tariffs and industrial recovery, China managed to increase LNG imports in the first three months of 2020.
Moving into summer, China is now faced with the daunting task of economic recovery. While the 'Blue Sky Defence' policy will continue, Wood Mackenzie says it is unclear whether the government will set specific targets for coal-to-gas switching in 2020.
“Any moderation could reduce gas demand during the heating season. Near-term gas-power demand is risked to the downside as power demand recovery faces macro uncertainty and more coal-fired power plants are being approved,” Sims explained.
As a result, China’s second quarter 2020 LNG consumption is expected to rise 12% to 15 million tons year-on-year.
Indian buyers take advantage of low spot prices
India, meanwhile, has seen LNG consumption jump 19% year-on-year as utility buyers are keen to snap up cargoes at the current low spot gas prices.
However, Wood Mackenzie says this trend is about to reverse as three months of lockdown materially reduces LNG consumption. India’s demand for imported LNG hence is expected to decline 24% to 4 Mt in the second quarter 2020 compared to the same period last year.
In Europe, the impact of lockdowns on total gas demand will be proportionally less because industry over here uses less gas, while gas-burn in the power sector and from residential offtakers were seen “largely unaffected.”