Under the EU’s proposed Green Deals, means member states including Germany need to significantly tighten their carbon emission reduction targets, e.g. through an accelerated build-out of renewable energy sources and by using hydrogen as fuel for transport and industrial processes.
Early coal-exit without compensation
Independent experts monitoring the German Energiewende noted: “The coal phase-out planned in Germany must be improved based on the decisions on the European Green Deal.”
The exit from the fossil fuel, in their view, “has to happen significantly quicker and be largely driven by market-based CO₂-price signals”, and – if possible – without compensation payments for operators.”
To date, the German coal exit commission recommended shutting the last coal-fired power plant by 2038 at the latest. Experts, however, criticize this timeframe arguing without the legally regulated exit path. Many German coal-fired power plants would have exited the market earlier, they argue, mainly due to higher emission prices under the European emission trading scheme (EU-ETS) and a “relatively sharp drop in gas prices.”
Instead of sticking to a firm phase-out schedule, experts propose more flexibility of the phase-out path, transparent and flexible agreements with operators, the earlier introduction of recovery-relevant pieces of the support package for coal regions and closer cooperation with international partners.
Replace EEG levy with national ETS surcharge
Experts criticised Germany’s disorganised system of energy prices, levies, taxes and other instruments. Though the government had initiated certain changes on energy pricing and the renewable levy cap, critics call for a more “systematic and comprehensive reform.”
The electricity tax should be decreased to the European minimum and levies on electricity, such as the renewables surcharge and combined heat and power (CHP) levies, should be abolished “as fast as possible”, financed by a CO₂ price on fossil fuels and the general German budget.
To finance further reduction they even propose an additional CO₂ levy in the sectors already covered by the EU emissions trading system (ETS) which could bring the price up to about 50 Euros per tonne of CO₂. The ETS allowance price has been 20-25 €/t CO₂ over the past couple of months.
While the experts do not demand a certain carbon price, “50 Euros per tonne of CO₂ continues to be an appropriate price level,” the Commission head Andreas Löschel noted. He added that low oil, gas and wholesale power prices currently created a window of opportunity to steer future investments in the right direction.