Future-proofing your mature gas turbine power plant
Utilities, particularly in China and Europe, are retrofitting their gas turbine with combustor enhancements to make assets more cost-effective. To support… Combustor enhancements can significantly...
View ArticleGlobal gas glut pushes down prices in Europe’s TTF hub to record-lows
With plentiful supplies of cheap pipeline gas and LNG available, Europe in 2020 will once again become the ‘market of… TTF prices have averaged $4.5/ MMBtu in 2019 but will need to drop below an...
View ArticleCummins and UC San Diego recycle EV batteries into energy storage
On-site power provider Cummins and researchers at the University of California (UC) San Diego are reusing and repurposing electric vehicle (EV)… EV batteries are typically designed to last over 300,000...
View ArticleFlexible gas CHP sets new standards in northern German city of Kiel
In the first seven weeks of operation, Stadtwerke Kiel’s new gas-fuelled combined heat and power plant (CHP) has set “new… INNIO and Kraftanlagen München have designed, built and put into operation a...
View ArticleBattery storage needs fast-start gensets to effectively balance grids
Scaling up battery storage significantly to solely balance renewable power supply is not feasible, the London-based flexible power provider Statera… In the face of a massive renewable energy build-out,...
View ArticleMarubeni vows to help set up “hydrogen-based society” in the UAE
The Japanese trading house Marubeni has agreed to help transform the United Arab Emirates (UAE) into a “hydrogen-based society.” The… To that end, Marubeni and the Abu Dhabi Department of Energy signed...
View ArticleGerman green energy producers get record payout via EEG levy
The German renewables energy surcharge (EEG) has swept a record payout into the coffers of wind, solar, biomass and hydropower… Consumers are mandated to pay the EEG surcharge with their electricity...
View ArticleGazprom ready to export 1 Tcm of gas to China over 30 years
China’s hunger for gas surpasses initial estimates, hence Gazprom is evaluating a second interconnector in the Far East. With the… ‘Power of Siberia’ is a 3,000 kilometer pipeline link, running from...
View ArticleArgentina courts investors in Vaca Muerta shale and LNG projects
The Argentine President Alberto Fernandez is preparing a bill to encourage more hydraulic fracking in the Vaca Muerta shale with… Meetings with state-owned Yacimientos Petroleiferos Fiscales (YPF) led...
View ArticleVietnam issues investment permit for $4 billion LNG-to-Power project
Singapore-based Delta Offshore Energy has been handed an investment permit to develop a $4 billion LNG-to-Power project in Vietnam’s southern… Delta Offshore Energy, the lead-developer for Bac Lieu...
View ArticleWärtsilä 100 MW energy storage in SE Asia boosts regional grid stability
The Finish technology group Wärtsilä has signed an EPC contract for a new 100 MW/100 MWh energy storage project in… The aim is to leverage the region’s abundant wind and solar resources and reduce its...
View ArticleIndia can ill afford switching to ‘gas-based economy’
Transforming India to a “gas-based economy” has been President Narendra Modi’s vision for years but the country can ill afford… State-owned banks, forced to write-off loans to operators of stranded gas...
View ArticleIndia struggles to lower ‘per unit costs’ of natural gas
Importers of LNG to India strive to lower the per-unit-costs of natural gas to unlock the huge demand potential from… Construction on the PMUG pipeline began in May 2019, and has been dragging on ever...
View ArticleBeijing Gas to build LNG import terminal to reinforce ‘Blue Skies’ policy
The Chinese government has approved Beijing Gas’ plans to build a 5 mtpa LNG import terminal near Tianjin City by… Beijing Gas new LNG import project in the Nangang district of Tianjin is backed by a...
View ArticleCoal to generate less than a quarter of world’s electricity by 2050
Dirty king coal is seen to shed 13 percent market share, accounting for just 22 percent of the global power… On the supply side, the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) projects that...
View ArticleTurkish IPP seeks to mothball uncompetitive 147 MW gas power unit
Aksa Energji, a Turkish Independent Power Producer (IPP), has asked regulators to temporarily close a gas-fired power plant (147 MW)… Profit margins are squeezed amid rising fuel costs, but also...
View ArticleGE gets $1.3m grant to speed up timeline of 3D-printed components
General Electric, together with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Xerox-held PARC, has been awarded a $1.3 million project to reduce… When designing a new 3D component, researchers normally consider...
View ArticleSpain agrees coal exit amid falling gas prices, higher carbon cost
Spain’s new government has revised the 2021-2030 Energy Plan, speeding up the country’s coal exit and stepping up solar PV… Tougher emission rules under the EU Large Plant Combustion Directive will...
View ArticleU.S. net gas exports forecast to almost double by 2021
Growth in exports of U.S. gas production will nearly double over the next two years, as new liquefaction facilities are… Growth in gas demand for export started to exceed growth in gas-burn for power...
View ArticleIndia’s new-build power gen capacity tops 15 GW as economy recovers
Economic growth in India has picked up pace, spurring a 5% rise in power generation capacity this year. Several plants… In fact, most growth in new-build capacity is seen coming from new renewable...
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